After a while, CHP cars & motorcycles drove past, then the race referees and a whole motorcade of cars involved with the race. It was like a huge party, everyone was having fun and even the cops were really cool, letting us know when the riders were coming.
Then we saw the peloton coming up the hill, making the climbs look easy. Fabian Cancellara rode about a foot away from me as he passed, and I spotted Andy Schleck, George Hincapie and many others. That was cool. In the bright sun I took photos, but without looking through the camera so basically I was yelling like everyone else and pointing my camera and clicking as many photos as I could.
After they went by we rode a few more miles up the hill and found another place to watch that was not crowded at all. We were again treated to great action of the peleton going right by us. Then we descended the steep hill on Westlake and made our way to the finish line, which was an absolute zoo. Afterwards I got home and watched the final lap on tv.
Here are some of the photos that came out ok.
Top of Mulholland
Fabien Cancellara Frank Schleck (?) on the left