Wednesday, January 7, 2009

And now for something completely different

I really enjoyed the movie, Dead Man. It starred Johnny Depp and was directed by Jim Jarmusch. It was basically a bizarre artsy black and white western with one of the greatest movie soundtracks ever by Neil Young. Anyway, there is a scene at the end where Wm. Blake (Depp) is dying and is put into a canoe by his native American friend, named Nobody, to sail into the next life. Wm. Blake asks his friend a question, and Nobody says, "This life no longer concerns you, William Blake." and shoves his canoe into the ocean.

This is 2009, in a nutshell. Things have changed so much so fast that the past is of little use any longer. Reality needs to be reinvented, in terms of dealing with a completely different economy and market place.

So use this Ox year, as intended, and make a new foundation for where you want to be in 10 years.

1 comment:

vickibarkley said...

I also like Dead Man. And, it's true, we're in a completely different reality now. The same rules don't apply. And, the reason they don't is that the powers that have been, have refused to follow them. So now we get to be the phoenix, and rise from the ashes sooner rather than later. I hope.