Thursday, April 30, 2009

Pig Flu

L.A. Times says it's less severe than the typical flu we all suffer through every year. Some expert on the radio says to stock up on food and get cash from your ATM. Thankfully, I have a doctor in the family with some useful information.

True, the flu isn't so bad. In the U.S., we have drugs that can treat it.

Why is it scary? Because it has not fully mutated. And it has mutated to the extent that drugs that were effective are no longer useful. Nobody knows how bad it can become. And, killing pigs is too little way too late. It's everywhere. And we will all come across it, so hopefully it will not progress into something deadly worldwide - seems like it will not at this point. Saying no traveling at this point is too little too late. And you can transmit it without having any symptoms yet.

So come to the Santa Fe Art Colony this weekend. If you don't feel well, stay at home. If you don't feel well and do come, don't sneeze on me.

Tour of Gila

In preparation for the Giro in Italy, starting May 9th, Lance Armstrong, Chris Horner and Levi Leipheimer wanted to ride this race in New Mexico, called the Tour of Gila. As this is a small race, the UCI (cycling governing board) would not allow Lance's Astana team to compete. So the 3 are riding for another team, called Mellow Johnnys Bike Shop. And they are riding this race without pay.

Pretty funny, and great for the sport! Unless, of course, you are a top American pro expecting to win and now racing against 3 of the very best in the sport.

Here's Lance talking about it. (I think you need Facebook to see it).

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

This weekend: Santa Fe Art Colony Open House

I will be here this Saturday & Sunday, from 12-7 with lots of new paintings. Stop by and say hi!

Directions here.

About Santa Fe Art Colony Open Studios

20th Annual Open Studios
May 2nd and May 3rd
Saturday and Sunday, 12 - 7pm

The Santa Fe Art Colony is pleased to announce it's 20th annual Open Studio/Artwalk Weekend. The first weekend in May has been designated as the permanent date for future Artwalks. Named for its' location on Santa Fe Avenue, the colony houses 57 studio residences. Once a year, over 40 residents of the colony open their private studios to the public. Also participating are some non-resident artists and sponsors providing art-related products.

This Artwalk is the easiest of its kind to tour. The architectural layout of the complex is compact, and the grounds are enhanced by the efforts of residents with green thumbs in their palettes. Refreshments are available in the garden for purchase.

It is a truly unique experience to see an artists work within the context of its creation. A glimpse into the creative environment of the artist provides insight to the creative process that cannot be gleaned from a gallery exhibition. Artists are on hand to answer questions, and it is a rare treat to see new works in progress in addition to studies and finished pieces. The Artwalk is an opportunity to purchase work directly from the artist and see what is coming up in the LA art scene. Artists range from emerging to established, and the colony has welcomed many new residents in the past few years. Works by SFAC residents have been featured in major art exhibitions, publications and collections locally, nationally, and internationally.

Sunday, April 26, 2009


We went to Home in Silverlake last night to see the excellent acapella group, Sonos. My daughter heard they were playing there for the low, low price of free at 10pm. This is a great little restaurant with indoor/ outdoor seating and a nice, laid back atmosphere.

Sadly, the manager told us this is their last show because a neighbor complained about noise. Ummm, the place is located 50 yards from the i-5 freeway on Riverside Drive. Not exactly the quite countryside, know what I mean? And it's not like Black Flag is playing there, either.

Anyway, check out Sonos, they have some songs on itunes and kcrw's website. They do an amazing cover of the Radiohead song Everything in it's Right Place.

And that was a long day. Started out doing 55 miles on my bike with the club. The last 10 miles I was out of gas completely. Then I went to the Santa Fe Art Colony to set up the boards for the show next weekend.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Getty Center

Friday the wifey and I went to the Getty Ctr. Perfect weather and some nice exhibits. There are a couple photo shows that are pretty good, featuring photos from the 30's that were hand colored. They actually got the colors quite accurate, not overdone.

We also treated ourselves to the restaurant at the Getty on the top of the hill. Such a great place, with views of the city in both directions. Even though it was a Friday, it is rare that there isn't a line out the door, place was only about 3/4 full. But in this economy, even the Getty has been laying off.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Coming soon

Companies, good vs. evil

Dominos, haven't eaten there in years because their pizza sucks. Bad companies are bad from the top down, so no use blaming a few bad apples.

I used to work in an arch. firm (not naming names) that had a nice owner, but a horrible staff. Every time he'd leave the office, creeps would surf porn and cruelly gossip about others in the office (and their families). I got all the good projects that came in the door, and the creeps would work on things like remodling elevator buttons and sink pipe replacement (actual jobs, both). The owner knew about most of what went on to an extent, but was the type who figured if everyone got along life is good. Most of  the creeps will never be hired by any decent firm and don't know any better than what they "have". The few good employees lack the courage to leave and put up with the insanity. I finally got fed up and left.

When Frank Lloyd Wright had his school, once a week he would have a black tie dinner party, so that students would learn to mingle with the wealthy. The wealthy build his buildings, after all. In architecture, as in art, there is no bottom rung on the ladder, so don't waste time.

The next office I went to was excellent. Very professional, nice people, great projects. I was no longer a thoroughbred among pigs, but got to work with some of the best people.

Funny how that works.

It's like an art critic friend of mine once said, "Eventually, the shit sinks to the bottom and the cream floats to the top."

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Saturday I did a 40 mile ride with the club, and Sunday we did a ride that went up to the top of Reseda Blvd. I struggled to make it up the 1.6 mile hill, pedaling  in my smallest gear going 3 mph. Any slower and I'd fall. But I did make it to the top, and am on the far right side of this photo.

I got there about 3rd from the last rider to make it. Not complaining, as a month ago I could not have even made it half way up the hill. Fun part was hitting 46 mph on the way down - that made it all worth it!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Last Sunday's cold ride thru the valley

Photos from last weekend's ride. I'm in the middle of this photo w/ the blue helmet.

And, yes, I do need a tan. But still able to smile even while munching a raspberry powerbar (yuch).

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Cad programs

I have been learning the cad program Revit lately. Totally different from autocad and much better. I am drawing my house, using it, and struggling to learn all the 3D aspects. If you're an architect and you or your firm are still using autocad, you're missing out.

All we need now are projects.