Dominos, haven't eaten there in years because their pizza sucks. Bad companies are bad from the top down, so no use blaming a
few bad apples.
I used to work in an arch. firm (not naming names) that had a nice owner, but a horrible staff. Every time he'd leave the office, creeps would surf porn and cruelly gossip about others in the office (and their families). I got all the good projects that came in the door, and the creeps would work on things like remodling elevator buttons and sink pipe replacement (actual jobs, both). The owner knew about most of what went on to an extent, but was the type who figured if everyone got along life is good. Most of the creeps will never be hired by any decent firm and don't know any better than what they "have". The few good employees lack the courage to leave and put up with the insanity. I finally got fed up and left.
When Frank Lloyd Wright had his school, once a week he would have a black tie dinner party, so that students would learn to mingle with the wealthy. The wealthy build his buildings, after all. In architecture, as in art, there is no bottom rung on the ladder, so don't waste time.
The next office I went to was excellent. Very professional, nice people, great projects. I was no longer a thoroughbred among pigs, but got to work with some of the best people.
Funny how that works.
It's like an art critic friend of mine once said, "Eventually, the shit sinks to the bottom and the cream floats to the top."