Sunday, April 26, 2009


We went to Home in Silverlake last night to see the excellent acapella group, Sonos. My daughter heard they were playing there for the low, low price of free at 10pm. This is a great little restaurant with indoor/ outdoor seating and a nice, laid back atmosphere.

Sadly, the manager told us this is their last show because a neighbor complained about noise. Ummm, the place is located 50 yards from the i-5 freeway on Riverside Drive. Not exactly the quite countryside, know what I mean? And it's not like Black Flag is playing there, either.

Anyway, check out Sonos, they have some songs on itunes and kcrw's website. They do an amazing cover of the Radiohead song Everything in it's Right Place.

And that was a long day. Started out doing 55 miles on my bike with the club. The last 10 miles I was out of gas completely. Then I went to the Santa Fe Art Colony to set up the boards for the show next weekend.

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