Monday, May 18, 2009

The future workplace from hell is not here to stay

Time magazine had an interesting article about working in the future/ present. Most of what they say will happen is happening now, such as working from home on a project specific deadline for various companies. But this is only happening now because of the poor economy. After a short time, nobody is really going to want to hustle for work from various sources all the time. It's exhausting and creates a feast or famine lifestyle. Nobody will turn down work for fear of not getting a call back for the next project.

Furthermore, there is an advantage to working in an office with colleagues. Communication is instant and all the resources of the office are available. Yes, the commute may suck, but working at home in a vacuum makes more phone calls and emails necessary. This is, in fact, the reason architects cannot outsource their work to India and the Philippines. A roll of tracing paper and quick sketches from the coworker sitting next to you replaces a wordy email, a tighter sketch, a scan and an email. I am certain this is true for other businesses as well.

The other thing that bothers me about the article is this notion of generation X doing away with the coveting corner office. Not to say the corner office is the most important status symbol, but it will only be replaced with another petty perk. And gen X may be young, energetic and computer savvy, but they also have no life experience and certainly no business experience. With them, everything is instant and surrounded by bright visual overstimulation and childish clothing.

So Time magazine, please go to the nearest ATM, make a large withdrawal, go out and buy a clue.

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