Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Tour de Corruption

A 50 minute video talk given by Greg LeMond is quite depressing. He says he would not want his son to race bikes professionally, that Lance Armstrong has doped and will never admit it because he has no conscience and the officials in the sport are all corrupt. Lance's response via twitter was that Greg has been drinking the haterade.

I didn't find the speech to be that hateful, although if you are Lance it certainly is considered as such. He brought up some valid points, such as how to go about cleaning up the sport by giving a break to riders who come forward and admit to doping and punishing the coaches, doctors and pharmacists who give riders the illegal meds.

Personally, I think a clean race is much more exciting than a bunch of steroid freaks of nature climbing mountains without seeming winded. Like all the cheats in the world, someday the truth will come out and damage will be done. Just look at wall street, the Catholic church and the economy for proof.

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