Thursday, April 15, 2010

Santa Fe Art Colony Open Studios

Well, that's a bummer. This year at Santa Fe (not in New Mexico but the one just south of downtown, Los Angeles) decided not to allow visiting artists to use the nice wide hallways to show their art.

I have shown there every year since 2004. The hallways are nice because it keeps everyone out of my friend, Raul's loft. Raul lives there and has been more than generous in letting my friends and I show there. When we started out, we all crammed into Raul's loft. This meant building temporary walls and totally upheaving his home for a weekend. And now there is really too much stuff to make this work. And there's the issue of lighting all the walls we built and cramming a whole weekend full of artists, collectors, strangers and partiers in the place all at once.

So if you get a chance, stop by on the weekend of May 16th, it's really a cool place to visit.

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