Thursday, February 26, 2009


Got out on the bike again today. I have a sweet Canondale road bike that I got 5 or 6 years ago, rode a few times, and hung in the garage. So I have put on some weight and decided I'd had enough. So I dusted it off and started riding again on Monday. I'm out of shape and can barely make it up a hill equal to a freeway onramp. Today I got a new set of Continental tires that are nice and sticky. Prices have gone up quite a bit.

The only way I can exercise is by doing something I enjoy. Cycling is a great way to see things and it's fun to go down hills fast. Plus, when I'm active it gives me energy to do other things, too.

There are surprisingly some great rides to go on from my house. Basically, if you want flats, you have to brave the idiots in suv's. But if you like hills, the possibilities are limitless. With very little major crowded valley streets, I could go in the foothills to a road that parallels Topanga Cyn. Blvd., then onto Mulholland to Kanan Dume or any number of roads over the Santa Monica mountains to PCH, then up to Point Magu. That's my goal, but it won't happen for a while. So until then, I'm slowly making my way back.

As for art, I have lots of canvases to stretch and get finished for the Santa Fe Art Colony open house in May. Hopefully if you see me there, I will look less like I do now and more like I did here a few years ago:


Surfsister said...

Nice blog, Glenn! I am a recovering cyclist. Used to race. I would ride more but the traffic in L.A. is simply obscene and dangerous. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

MadMacedonian said...

Thanks for following me on Twitter.

My blog is actually the better source, at this point, for cycling ideas in LA County, San Bernardino County, Riverside County, and Orange County.

All reachable by bus & Train, or tossing the bike in the car. ;-D

Yes, Cycling is a great way to see things and while it's fun to go down hills fast, I only agree as long as the hill is not Fargo St. in the Silverlake area of LA, or the steep 6 miler from Glendora Ridge Road down to the East Fork, in the San Gabriels. ;-D

RE: Mulholland/Kanan Dume/Santa Monica mountains to PCH, then up to Point Magu. That's my goal, but it won't happen for a while.

You will be ready for this sooner than you think.

I was.

1st time I did this route I did it Cold Turkery not knowing what I was getting into.

Ended up doing 66 miles in an all day ride.

Came back a few years later, with a camera & did it again.

Blogged about both rides, the 2nd with the pics.

On my Blog, check the Riding Los Angeles County Archives for both for the route description, and more.

You won't regret it! ;-D

Kiril The Cycling Dude

Glenn Waggner said...

Thaks for the kind words, Kiril.